Decoding Justice: Your Guide to the Best Law Shows

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Law shows have a way of drawing us in, captivating us with tales of justice served and unsolved mysteries. But which are the best law shows? With countless options available across various platforms, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed.

This comprehensive guide will dive into popular series that have made their mark on legal TV drama. We’ll explore riveting narratives from Netflix favorites like “When They See Us” and “Seven Seconds,” shedding light on themes such as racial tension and systemic racism.

Beyond just entertainment, we’ll examine how these shows influence our perception of the legal profession – both positively and negatively. And if you’ve ever wondered how accurately these dramas depict real-life attorneys’ lives or questioned why defense lawyers seem so engrossed in work sans personal life portrayal – stick around!

We also scrutinize popular thrillers like “How to Get Away with Murder”, dissecting their intricate plots and engaging narratives.

Table of Contents:

Exploring Popular Law Shows on Netflix

Netflix has become a treasure trove for fans of law and justice shows, offering a plethora of series that have garnered high IMDB ratings. The platform’s roster includes an array of legal dramas with unique narratives and themes. Let’s explore some top-rated picks.

When They See Us – A Tale of Injustice

‘When They See Us’, exposes systemic racism through the lens of the wrongful conviction case involving five young men from Harlem known as ‘The Central Park Five’. This poignant miniseries gives you an inside look at their journey from accusation to exoneration, highlighting civil rights cases in America.

The show does not shy away from addressing hard-hitting topics such as racial bias in the judicial system. If you’re looking to gain a deeper understanding of the civil rights cases and racial bias in America, then this miniseries is an absolute must-see.

Seven Seconds – A Hard Look at Racial Tension and Police Brutality

Akin to ‘When They See Us’, ‘Seven Seconds’, takes viewers into yet another profound exploration – this time revolving around racial tension and police brutality following a hit-and-run incident involving a police officer. It delves deep into corruption scandals within institutions meant to uphold justice while presenting emotionally-charged performances by its cast members including Regina King who won an Emmy award for her role.

This critically acclaimed drama adds more depth by showing how public perception can be swayed due to media influence during ongoing investigations – an element rarely depicted in conventional legal TV series.

Other Noteworthy Mentions

There are several other shows that deserve a mention when discussing popular law dramas on Netflix. Mentioned also are such titles as ‘The Innocence Files’, ‘How to Get Away with Murder’, and the show of corporate law, ‘Suits’. Each brings its own unique flavor to the genre, whether it’s showcasing personal lives of defense attorneys or offering thrilling courtroom battles.

For example, ‘Suits’ pulls us into the rapid-fire realm of corporate law. Conversely, ‘How to Get Away with Murder’ expertly combines legal drama and heart-pounding suspense. 

Key Takeaway: 

insightful glimpses into the complexities of legal battles, criminal defense strategies, and high-stakes corporate law. They highlight the tension between truth and manipulation, justice and corruption, in a way that is both engaging and thought-provoking.

Real-Life Legal Profession vs. TV Portrayals

In comparison to its TV depiction, the reality of practicing law is significantly different. For instance, most legal TV shows, like Law and Order or Suits, present an oversimplified version of attorneys handling one case per week.

The Multi-Case Reality of Real-Life Attorneys

In reality though, real-life attorneys juggle multiple cases simultaneously – a fact that often gets overlooked in these dramatized depictions. Unlike their fictional counterparts who seem to have an endless amount of time for dramatic courtroom showdowns or last-minute evidence discoveries, actual defense lawyers need to divide their attention among various clients.

This balancing act is crucial not just from a professional standpoint but also when considering the very nature of justice itself. The aim isn’t merely about winning; it’s about ensuring every client receives fair representation under law regardless if they’re dealing with criminal defense or civil rights cases.

Truth vs Fiction – Honesty in Legal Practice

Beyond caseload discrepancies, another common misconception fostered by many popular TV portrayals lies in how honesty is practiced within the legal profession. In many series like Suits featuring Harvey Specter or Mike Ross (the brilliant college dropout turned lawyer), you’ll find scenarios where deception seems second nature to our protagonists – strategies hardly ever employed by reputable practitioners.

Honesty remains paramount within this vocation as trust forms its bedrock foundation – any compromise here could lead towards disbarment. Most practicing lawyers would tell you that building reasonable doubt doesn’t require bending truths but rather presenting facts skillfully. The real-life legal profession is less about dramatic plot twists and more about diligent fact-finding, thoughtful analysis, and persuasive presentation.

Despite the false beliefs spread by these shows, it is essential to bear in mind that TV dramas are just for entertainment purposes and accuracy isn’t always a priority. They’re designed for entertainment first with accuracy often taking a backseat.

Key Takeaway: 

Real vs Reel Law: TV legal dramas like ‘Law and Order’ or ‘Suits’ often oversimplify the reality of law practice, showing lawyers handling a single case at a time. But real-life attorneys juggle multiple cases, focusing on fair representation rather than dramatic courtroom showdowns. Unlike what we see in these shows, it’s not all about sneaky tricks; honesty is actually crucial to the job.

Impact of Law Shows on Public Perception

The power that law shows wield in shaping public perception cannot be understated. Many viewers, consciously or unconsciously, form ideas about attorneys and the judicial system based on what they observe in TV shows.

Negative perceptions often arise due to frequent depictions of dishonesty and manipulation among legal professionals. These dramatized portrayals can lead to a skewed understanding of defense attorneys’ roles within the justice system.

Misrepresentation of Defense Attorneys

In many popular law shows like “How to Get Away with Murder”, attorneys are portrayed as manipulative figures who bend the rules for their clients’ benefit. While this makes for riveting television, it’s far from an accurate depiction.

Most real-life criminal defense attorneys rely heavily on presenting facts and evoking reasonable doubt – a far cry from underhand tactics usually shown in dramas. Yet these false portrayals persist, leading audiences to view lawyers through a lens tainted by suspicion.

Influence On Opinions About The Justice System

TV series also have significant sway over people’s perceptions about how swift (or slow) judicial proceedings can be. For instance, trials lasting several months may wrap up in just one episode – creating unrealistic expectations about actual timelines involved in resolving cases involving civil rights or other legal matters.

A Need For More Accurate Portrayals

To correct misconceptions bred by such influential media platforms requires concerted effort towards showcasing more authentic scenarios and characters – both professional lives & personal ones – not only within individual episodes but across entire TV series arcs.

For example, acknowledging that brilliant college dropout Mike Ross is indeed an anomaly rather than the norm in a typical law firm.

Only then can we start to reshape public perception and ensure it aligns more closely with reality. While TV dramas may be entertaining, they should not replace factual understanding of our legal system and those who work within it.

Key Takeaway: 

Law shows significantly shape public perception about the legal system, often inaccurately. Negative portrayals of lawyers and unrealistic courtroom timelines can skew understanding. To fix this, we need to showcase more authentic scenarios in TV series arcs, aligning entertainment with reality – thus reshaping viewers’ perceptions towards a factual comprehension of our justice system.

It’s time for law shows to step up and provide a more realistic representation of defense attorneys’ lives. By featuring the difficulties they confront, their connections and how they juggle work-life balance in their lives, these shows can offer a more genuine portrayal of what it’s like to be an attorney.

By highlighting the work-life balance that attorneys strive for, viewers can gain a better understanding of the complexities of the profession. It is essential to take into account that lawyers are more than their work; they have individual lives which should be valued and acknowledged.

Next time you watch a law show, take note of how the personal lives of defense attorneys are depicted in comparison to their professional ones. Are they given the same depth and attention as their professional lives? Or are they merely background characters in their own stories?

By shedding light on the personal lives of defense attorneys, law shows can create more relatable and compelling narratives. It’s time to move beyond the overworked attorney trope and showcase the multidimensional nature of these legal professionals.

Let’s hope that future law shows take this call for more realistic representation to heart and give us a more accurate portrayal of defense attorneys’ lives.

Dissecting Popular Legal Thrillers – How to Get Away with Murder

“How to Get Away with Murder” is a legal thriller series that employs a complex narrative structure, using flashbacks and flash-forwards, drawing viewers into the intricate plot. This series involves a group of law students caught up in an unexpected murder plot, showcasing their academic prowess as well as their human vulnerabilities.

The show’s brilliant use of narrative structure serves not just as storytelling mechanics but also crucial components that amplify the suspenseful atmosphere. These elements allow for exploration into character backgrounds while propelling the story forward.

Analyzing Character Development: The Law Students’ Journey

The dynamic characters presented within this legal thriller series provide us with realistic portrayals of aspiring lawyers struggling through law school. Each student faces unique personal challenges which further complicate their professional journey, offering compelling insights on various facets of human nature and ethics in the face of extreme situations.

As they find themselves tangled in real-life criminal cases far earlier than expected – one might say thrown into deep waters without swimming lessons – we see how these events shape them both professionally and personally over time.

Murder Mystery or Lesson in Criminal Defense?

While “How to Get Away With Murder” revolves around crime-solving plots typically found in other legal TV shows such as ‘Boston Legal’ or ‘Ally McBeal’, it adds layers by diving deeper into areas like defense strategy development, court procedure nuances, and ethical dilemmas faced by attorneys every day. Thus making it more than just another entertaining whodunit mystery.

This popular legal drama series provides glimpses into the challenging world of criminal defense, giving audiences a look at how cases are prepared and defended in court.

The Brilliance Behind The Screen: Shonda Rhimes’ Narrative Genius

“How to Get Away with Murder” is an exceptional showcase of storytelling genius by Shonda Rhimes. Her knack for weaving intricate plotlines that explore complex themes such as morality, ambition, fear, and desire make this show stand out from other legal TV series.

Her characters are complex, flawed yet relatable. Each one is grappling with their personal struggles in a unique way.

Key Takeaway: 

“How to Get Away with Murder” stands as a stellar example of legal thrillers, employing complex narrative structures and character development to draw viewers into the story. The show dives deeper than typical crime-solving plots, offering insights on defense strategy and ethical dilemmas in law practice. This isn’t just another whodunit mystery; it gives us an enthralling peek into the demanding world of law.

FAQs in Relation to Best Law Shows

What law show is most realistic?

“The Good Wife” often nails the legal details, making it a solid choice for those seeking an accurate portrayal of courtroom proceedings.

Who is the best lawyer in the USA?

While there’s no definitive answer, David Boies and Ted Olson are highly respected attorneys with impressive careers in US law.

What shows should lawyers watch?

Apart from “Suits,” “Better Call Saul,” and “Boston Legal” are also compelling watches that offer insight into different facets of legal practice.

What show is as good as Lincoln Lawyer?

If you’re looking for something on par with ‘Lincoln Lawyer,’ give ‘Justified’ or ‘Breaking Bad’ a shot. Both blend crime drama and intricate storytelling beautifully.


Law shows like “When They See Us” and “Seven Seconds” don’t just entertain, they challenge us to think about issues like racial tension and systemic racism. These are some of the best law shows, bringing complex legal dramas right into our living rooms.

They make us question the real-life portrayal of attorneys on screen. How much truth is there in a lawyer handling only one case per week? Is their personal life as non-existent as shown?

We’ve also learned how these series shape public perception, sometimes leading to misconceptions about lawyers’ professional conduct. We’re left pondering whether such influences impact real-world justice.

A deep dive into thrillers like “How to Get Away with Murder” lets us appreciate intricate narrative structures that keep audiences hooked season after season.

Be sure to also read our article on the best lawyer movies for more great suggestions.

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